
Pitching is an art form that brings together content and communication channels. Regardless of What you’re pitching . . . Where, When and to Whom . . . the principles are universal. It’s How you pitch that matters ― and countless strategies combine elements in different combinations. Watch this video for a quick snapshot of how to create memorable and saleable pitches to get your projects made

Creative and Marketing Analysis

My consultation with Heather was incredibly informative and productive. She really helped me understand how to sharpen the focus on my project. Upon looking at the attachments she sent afterward, I realized how she really worked this through. Well worth the consulting fee! She’d definitely be my first pick to help me produce!”  – Philemon Venderbeck:  ShowBiz Mensans Elemental Entertainment”Ghost Train Paranormal Travel Reality Show.

It’s All About the Story

Get experienced, constructive feedback on all elements of your film, television, or book projects from our team of experts. We’ll review your scripts, proposals, business plans, budgets, and more to provide suggestions on story, character, structure, plot, themes, dialogue, tone, imagery, devices, voice, style. We’ll assess market viability, audience appeal, and concept originality. And we’ll evaluate materials like loglines, synopses, treatments, one-sheets, presentations, websites, and social media plans – identifying strengths as well as opportunities for improvement

“Heather is so inspirational; she could raise the dead!” “She’s a story yoda.

“Using Heather’s techniques and system, the day after her seminar, I had meetings set up with Oprah and Warren Buffet and now have access to A-List celebrities.”

Sarano Kelly –   #1 Motivational Speaker on Wall Street

Strategic Financing and Distribution Guidance

We also provide strategic guidance on financing, distribution, co-production partners, sponsors, and other attachments. We’ll advise on investor presentations, equity pitches, and distribution plans. And develop approaches for pitching different prospects like investors, distributors, studios, and networks. We’ll help prioritize and rank prospective partners. And identify talent, directors, and brands that can attract financing.

Our financing and distribution guidance draws on decades of combined industry experience. We know what investors, studios, and networks look for in a viable project worthy of financing. From packaging to pitching, we cover all the steps needed to secure the funding to get your film or TV series made. Whether you’re seeking full financing or gap financing, equity investments, or presales, we can help develop a strategic plan tailored to your specific project needs.

Let us review your current investor deck, financial projections, and distribution plan. We’ll provide honest, constructive feedback to improve your chances of success. Our goal is to help position your project to stand out from the crowd and attract financing in this competitive marketplace. With our support, you’ll be better prepared to successfully pitch investors, studios, networks and secure the financing you need.

Targeting Your Audience

Understanding your audience is key. We assess target demographics, and psychographics, and explore ancillary opportunities like VR, games, merchandising, and social media.

Polished Pitches and Presentations

We offer pitch critiques, pitch coaching, and pitch rehearsals to boost your confidence and effectiveness. Our experts can help fine-tune your loglines, one-sheets, presentations, and other materials to capture attention and interest.

In-Depth, in Detail

Additional consulting services include a first 10 pages review, budget/schedule analysis, one-sheet polish, career strategy sessions, and ongoing project guidance.

Our experienced team of story analysts, marketers, and pitch coaches can take your project to the next level. We’ve helped creators successfully pitch and sell countless projects by ensuring their presentation materials align with audience expectations. Our pitch coaching sessions are like having a personal promotion and marketing team behind you. We’ll help you hone your talking points, handle Q&A confidently, and deliver compelling presentations to maximize your chances of getting a green light.

Heather Hale Consultant